Maria Paula Pinto | +351963056556
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Trainings & Events

Weekend Retreat Summer Solstice 2024

Weekend Retreat Summer Solstice 2024 - Maria Paula Pinto

Celebrating the solstice is one of the oldest forms of celebrating nature. This weekend combines the mystical energy of the full moon with the expansive force of the solstice sun. 

Workshop Mindfulness, Mértola

Workshop Mindfulness, Mértola - Maria Paula Pinto

23 de Abril, 2023, Anuri Yoga, das 9.00 ás 13.00H

O que é o Mindfulness e como surgiu. Exemplos de práticas formais e não-formais. As atitudes Mindfulness. 

Mindfulness Immersive Day + Certification

Mindfulness Immersive Day + Certification - Maria Paula Pinto

Immersive Sunday dedicated to improve relashioship with ourselves through Mindfulness practices.

Um Domingo imersivo, dedicado à relação connosco através das práticas de Mindfulness. Dá acesso a prosseguir a certificação.

Mais informação em português aqui

 Register here


Mindfulness Intensive In-Me

Mindfulness Intensive In-Me - Maria Paula Pinto

Mindfulness into our daily life. Increase awareness of the present moment. Cope efficiently with life challenges. Promote an empowering Mindset to enhance health, happiness and sucess.

What is Mindfulness Intensive In-Me?

A 30H training to master thoughts and emotions. It uses Meditation, Yoga and NLP to improve your inner-peace, well-being, happiness and success. See the program below.

Why Mindfulness Intensive In-Me?

Mindfulness Intensive In-Me we combines NLP tools with Mindfulness practices to create more powerful strategies for Mindset transformation.

A Mindset that promotes our HEALTH, HAPPINESS and SUCESS.

Mind7+ Mindfulness based program for university students: preliminary results

Mind7+ Mindfulness based program for university students: preliminary results - Maria Paula Pinto

After 8 weeks there was a significant improvement in subjective well-being, particularly an increase in life meaning and global life satisfaction, and a decrease in feelings of depression, as well as an improvement in sleep quality.


Mind7+ - Maria Paula Pinto

From 19 October to 14 December, 2022, 8 weeks with 6 presential sessions and 2 online sessions (4h/week), in IPSantarém

Mindfulness in the APPNL Congress

Mindfulness in the APPNL Congress - Maria Paula Pinto

Mindfulness offers a way to cultivate a relation of confidence with ourselves, with less judgment and more kindness. By joining PNL and Mindfulness we intensify the power of transformation.


Coaching and NLP course

Coaching and NLP course - Maria Paula Pinto

New edition in 2023

Transpeer Workshop: Strengthening leadership skills

Brief overview of the 1st day of the Portuguese workshop here

Read some of the participants' comments 

Improve your research with coaching skills

Talk in ITQB-NOVA: How coaching skills may help researchers to build a strong and cohesive team

VITAE Conference 2016

VITAE Conference 2016 - Maria Paula Pinto

Empowerment and motivation of research teams